Our Family Approach
When we were dating and during the first few years of our marriage, we loved spending time outside in nature – hiking, camping, fishing. And then we had kids. Obviously, having children changes things; but when we had our first child, we experienced a dramatic shift in priorities, concerns, and our overall approach to health and life in general. But this was a good thing! And although having kids has changed the way we approach adventure, we still search for authentic experience and existence.
As we watch our three children grow and change, we hope to see them live passionately, to understand the importance of relationship, and to feel safe, loved, and encouraged as they test their own wings. Everybody wants to be unique – to have their own identity that makes them special. Society seems to appreciate uniqueness and almost idolizes it, but yet dispises it at the same time because it is not only a decree of confidence, but also one of rebellion to go against the herd, to plant your wild flag in the sand, and to stand by it proudly.
Most of us can remember various points in our lives when we were teased just for being different, but our only crime was being ourselves. And following those periods of ridicule, most of us can remember changing things about ourselves in order to be accepted. And yet surprisingly, when we reflect back on those times, we may have feelings of embarrassment. Do we find our own lack of authenticity to be shameful? We gave in. We allowed others to dictate our character or style or ideas, rather than being comfortable in our own skin.
It is our hope, both as individuals and as parents, to be wildly free to learn, accept others, and find ourselves despite ridicule. We desire to educate ourselves and make decisions both for and with our children that we feel are the most beneficial without bowing to the societal pressures of what is deemed normal or acceptable. There will come a day when our children won’t need us anymore, but for now whether we’re in the woods behind our house or on a mountain top in the Rockies, we seek to foster an environment in which they can learn and explore, communicate and understand, and love and be loved in their own unique way.